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Quartz Octagonal UHV cell

Quartz Octagonal UHV cell
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Optical Contact UHV Cell with DOUBLE-SURFACE coating
内外表面镀膜,原子键合,MOT, BEC等用超高真空腔UHV

By Optical Bonding (optical contact) process, Ultra-High-Vacuum(UHV) cell as high as 1.0x10^(-12) mBar.L/sec, (or 10^(-13) PaM3/sec has succeeded. We are rich-experienced in 2x2x2~80x80x400mm UHV cells. Pyrex, Quartz (fused silica) etc can be used according to application.
Email: info*akatsuki-tech.com (change* into @ when you email us)

Optical Bonding Ultra-High Vacuum Cell

Optical Bonding UHV Cell with inner and out-sides coating

オプティカルボンディング法を用いた超高真空UHVセルの製作は実績が多く、主に2x2x2~80x80x400mm。絶対真空度は10^(-9)Pa に達する。使用条件により材質はPyrex、石英等を選択できる。内外表面にARコ-トを実行する。

By Optical Bonding (optical contact) method, ultra-high vacuum(UHV) cell as high as 10^(-9) can be achieved. We experienced in 2x2x2~80x80x400mm optical cells. Pyrex, Quartz (fused silica) etc can be used according to applications. AR coating on Double (Inner and Out-side) surfaces can be done.
Email: info*akatsuki-tech.com (change* into @ when you contact us)

应用光学键合(光胶)技术,可以制作出超高真空度的光学腔体UHV,我司具有制作2~400毫米腔体的丰富经验。材料可以根据用途选择光学藍宝石、超純度石英、PYREX 等。真空度: ~10^(-13) PaM3/Sec. 内外表面同时进行AR膜等的实施。


Ultra-High-Vacuum (UHV) drum cell

应用光学键合(光胶)技术,可以制作出超高真空度的光学腔体UHV,可以使用在原子钟,量子真空体系,以及其他超真空体系使用。我司具有制作2~400毫米腔体的丰富经验。材料可以根据用途选择光学藍宝石、超純度石英、PYREX 等。真空度: ~10^(-11) PaM3/Sec

By Optical Bonding (optical contact) method, ultra-high vacuum(UHV) cell with higher than 10^(-11) can be made. We are rich-experienced in 2x2x2~80x80x400mm optical cells. Pyrex, Quartz (fused silica) etc can be used according to application requirements.

オプティカルボンディング法を用いた超高真空UHVセルの実績は多く、2x2x2~80x80x400mmの経験が豊富である。真空度は10^(-11) に達する。材質は応用要求によりPyrex、石英等で選択できる。
info*akatsuki-tech.com (change* into @ when you email us)

0.6μ流路セル制作成功: ガラス材機械加工への挑戦

0.6 μm thickness-channel UHV Cell succeeded
腔体高度0.0006mm超真空石英Cell试制成功:  挑战光学冷加工极限

Top level in optical machinery in the world: 0.6 μm Height-Channel quartz UHV Cell succeeded
0.6μ チャネルの超真空UHV石英セルを光学/機械加工による限界に挑戦成功
info*akatsuki-tech.com (change* into @ when you email us)


MOT/BEC octagonal UHV cell by Optical Contact is succeeded. NEW!!
八角形(十面体)超真空BEC,MOT Cold-Atomic UHV腔体

MOT/BEC octagonal UHV cell by Optical Contact is succeeded.
Email: info*akatsuki-tech.com (change* into @ when you contact us)

ドラム式 UHV セル、コンタクト法

Optical Bonding Ultra-High Vacuum DRUM-type Cell

With Optical Bonding (optical contact) process, Ultra-High-Vacuum(UHV) cell as high as 10^(-12) mBar.L/sec, (or 10^(-13) PaM3/sec has succeeded. We are rich-experienced in 2x2x2~80x80x400mm UHV cells. Pyrex and Quartz etc can be used according to application.
info*akatsuki-tech.com (change* into @ when you email us)

NEW!! 両面コ-ト付、コンタクト、UHV

Optical Bonding UHV Cell with DOUBLE-SURFACE coating--New !!
最新技术进展: 内外表面镀膜, 原子键合, MOT等用超高真空腔

With Optical Bonding (optical contact) process, Ultra-High-Vacuum(UHV) cell as high as 1.0x10^(-12) mBar.L/sec, (or 10^(-13) PaM3/sec has succeeded. We are rich-experienced in 2x2x2~80x80x400mm UHV cells. Pyrex or Quartz etc can be used according to application.
info*akatsuki-tech.com (change* into @ when you email us)

両面コ-ト付、UHV cell


Optical Bonding UHV Cell with DOUBLE-sided coating--10^(-13) PaM3/Sec Vacuum!!
最新技术进展: 内外表面镀膜,原子键合,MOT等用超高真空腔UHV, 10^(-13) PaM3/Sec
Email: info*akatsuki-tech.com (change* into @ when you email us)

NEW!! 両面コ-ト付、コンタクト、UHV-2

Optical Bonding UHV Cell with DOUBLE-SURFACE coating-10^(-13) PaM3/Sec Vacuum !!

By Optical Bonding (optical contact) process, Ultra-High-Vacuum(UHV) cell as high as 1.0x10^(-12) mBar.L/sec, (or 10^(-13) PaM3/sec has succeeded. We are rich-experienced in 2x2x2~80x80x400mm UHV cells. Pyrex and Quartz etc can be used according to application.